
Here you find news from 2013


New business address
Reported on 17. Dec. 2013

The business address of the company is to move. The business address beginning of January is:
Markische Straße 37, D-59494 Soest, Germany
 All other contact details (phone / fax / Email) will remain unchanged.

New ordering and delivery schedule for 2014 available
Reported on 21. Nov. 2013

The new order and delivery schedule 2014 is available at category "Ordering".

Revised labeling of LASvendi diets
Reported on 07. Oct. 2013

The identification of the LASvendi diets has been revised. A color coding is intended to exclude any possible confusion durging the storage and handling. In addition, the declaration has been adapted to international standards. “Additives" (vitamins and trace elements) are listed by binding form and E-No.

Great acceptance on the BfR Berlin meeting
Reported on 12. Sep. 2013

The first public appearance with a reinforced LASvendi team was commented very positively by many participants at the BfR meeting. This trust is reflected by the commitment of two major customers in terms of change to LASvendi products at the beginning of 2014..

First major contracts with Asian partners
Reported on 22. Aug. 2013

For years LASvendi supplies specialty products to distributors and end customers at Asia. After settlement of all customs formalities the first container to Asia is leaving the production.

Inspection by the Authority successfully completed
Reported on 01. Aug. 2013

As part of the food and feed monitoring the LANUV (State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia) inspected LASvendi. Here, both the quality management as well as the relevant records (e.g. traceability) have been reviewed. Only the labeling of goods (declaration) showed a deviation. In the future, vitamins and trace elements are denoted by the appropriate E numbers.

Anja Osterkamp joins LASvendi
Reported on 01. July. 2013

We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Anja Osterkamp to the position of Sales and Product Manager within LASvendi.

Anja holds a “Technical Master Degree of Animal Care”. In the position as a Senior Technical Specialist at Johnson & Johnson in Norderstedt near Hamburg, she was responsible for animal care and welfare, training and quality assurance. She also has managed the purchase of the department. As a spokeswoman for the IGTP (Interest Group of Animal Technicians) she has an excellent network of contacts.

From July, 1st Anja will be present for you, located in Soest. In her new Role she will implement a new product line. We wish Anja a good start in her new role.

LASvendi celebrates its 5th anniversary
Reported on 07. April. 2013

On 7 April 2008 LASvendi was founded. The rapid development of sales confirmed the advanced concept and the market's confidence. A special thanks to all customers..

Levels of aflatoxins for 5 years under the detection limit
Reported on 26. Feb. 2013

The Government gives some worning of elevated levels of aflatoxin in feed corn from Serbia.
 The production site for the LASvendi diet didn’t buy any corn from Serbia. The final products of LASvendi are continuously checked for aflatoxin. Just as in the past 5 years the last analysis from 15.02.2013 doesn't show any content of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2.

Revenue growth in 2012 again at a high level
Reported on 15 Jan. 2013

2012 was a very successful year for LASvendi - the high growth rates of 2011 were achieved in the past year again. A significant portion take the gamma irradiated products. The "L-Box" (bucket with loop) is particularly suitable for labs, above-average growth was the result. Also autoclavable products show outstanding revenue growth; the technological changes have led to an optimization of the pellet quality.

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